سوالی دارید ? مطرح بفرمایید
شنبه تا پنجشنبه از ساعت 8 الی 16
پذیرای حضور شما هستیم
تهران - فرمانیه- خیابان لواسانی - خیابان فربین- پلاک 5 - واحد 1
قم - پردیسان - بلوار دانشگاه - پارک علم و فناوری

کتاب: The Implementation of BIM within the Public Procurement

Marzia Bolpagni

Recently more and more Public Sectors have been paying close attention to save cost
and, at the same time, improve efficiency. Usually, the Construction Industry has a relevant
annual turnover, which represents an important part of the GDP for most of the

کتاب: Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015-No Experience Required- Autodesk Official Press 

Eric Wing

1008 pages
july 2014

Learn Revit Architecture the hands-on way

For those who like to learn by doing, this Autodesk Official Press book shows you how to build a four-story office building one step at a time, providing you with real-world practice you might expect to encounter on the job. Concise explanations, focused examples, step-by-step instructions, and an engaging hands-on tutorial make this book the perfect way to learn Revit Architecture. In addition, you can download starting files for each chapter from the website in order to 

کتاب: BIM and Construction Management 

Brad Hardin

364 pages
April 2015

Offering practical advice and tested techniques, this book serves as the first and only building information modeling (BIM) integration guide for the construction industry.  You’ll explore crucial construction tasks such as estimating, staging, sustainability testing, multiple 

طراحی و راه اندازی: انعکاس برتر
